I Survived the Bar Exam… Now What?

Hello all. I’m back. And as you can surmise from the title, I survived the bar!

I apologize for the quiet in my little corner of the internet for the last few weeks. The studying and the panic got really intense in July. At the same time, I was packing up and moving out of my apartment. My lease ended at the end of the same week I was taking the bar.

I’ll give you some numbers to put it all into perspective. Studying for the bar was a nine-to-ten hour a day, seven days a week affair. Because I had a Braille test, the bar exam itself was four days, six hours a day. Now I’m a super organized person. I knew this was going to be a crazy time, so I’ve been planning since December, studying since May, and packing since June, but you still inevitably reach a point in packing and studying where your planning descends into chaos and you just start throwing things into the car at random and screaming that states should be abolished.

But all that’s over now, and huge, huge thanks to my mom for coming to stay with me this last week and helping me pull it all together so I could take the bar, get out of my apartment in Cambridge, and of course eat without completely losing my head. (No I don’t consider shouting about how states’ rights are ridiculous to be losing my head, but I’m not getting into politics here.)

So what comes next?

I’ll find out if I passed the bar at some point in October. I am not thinking about it until then. But there are plenty of other things for me to think about.

The crazy does not end now that’s August. But it’s crazy in a good way.

First, I need to turn the chaos of the last week into an organized plan of attack for moving down to D.C. at the end of August. As organized as I am, there’s still a lot I need to do. For one thing, I’ve blocked the front door with my pile of boxes and that can’t continue to be the case for long.

Also, while I’ve been writing as much as I can while studying for the bar, it’s time for me to buckle down and finish revisions on my middle grade fantasy project. I’m really excited about what’s it done and can’t wait to dive in headfirst with no law school or bar exam to worry about.

Oh wait, there is more bar exam to worry about. Well, not to worry about, per se. I have to take the state component of the bar, but that’s a fifty question, open book, untimed test, and they give me the books. I can also take it as many times as I need to. So I’m not terribly concerned. I just have to do it.

Otherwise, I’m looking forward to getting back in touch with friends I haven’t seen or spoken to in a while (thanks a lot bar exam), and finally doing some more cooking, because I’ve been living on chicken pesto meatballs and frozen vegetables for the last three months (thank you again bar exam), and believe me, that got old fast.

As for this blog, I’m going to catch up on posting book reviews for the rest of the books I read in June and July. Then I’m going to try to get myself to post on a regular schedule. I don’t know what the regular schedule will be, but once I figure it out I will let you know. I plan to continue doing book reviews, but I also want to give you more life updates. I also have ideas for posts about writing, and I want to do more posts from Neutron’s point of view. Finally, I want to start a new series about how I do things when I’m blind, inspired by this post I wrote a while back about educating able-bodied people about disabilities in a positive way. I have some ideas to get started, but if you want to know how I do specific things, let me know.

And that’s it. I’m going to stop making plans before I exhaust myself just thinking about it and go take a nap instead. Happy August everybody. And to my law school friends who took the bar last week too, we did it!

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